Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)

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Motis was developed to give customers control over the items that are processed through their facility.

An Item can be any material product that has a unique identifier like a Serial Number. Consider that your company services a certain product and your tecnicians process the product through the facility giving treatment to the product at various times and locations. Wouldn't it be beneficial to know the process times for each product type at each location? Motis provides reports and graphs that can help you make intelligent decisions to enhance the efficiency of your processes.

With Motis you not only get reports on item quantities, but also on item process times at locations (add-on).

You can also give your customers a view into the process times and statuses for any product in your facility. Suppose your customer wants to lookup a specified piece to see its location or status. You can give that customer a view into the process and status on that item or all items that belongs to your customer. How does it work? You create a customer and scan in items from that customer, then when that customer logs in they can see only their items that have been sent to you that you are processing. Suppose you only want your customer to see when you have received an item or shipped an item. With Motis this is entirely possible! With an (add-on) you can get reports on the average time that each item type takes to be processed through your facility.

Motis allows you to set up email alerts for your customers (add-on)

With this (add-on) you can automatically alert your customers when items are received or shipped. The possibility exists that one or more associates are interested in receiving an email alert for specific statuses or locations for one or more items that your are processing. With this Motis (add-on), it can be accomplished. How dows it work? You set up a table and enter the email addresses of the associates and the status and/or location that the alert will be generated. Then when you process an item for that customer, Motis will send the email alert for the satatus or location.

Motis has lots of stock features and capabilities but you may need certain other features, no problem

Additional features that are specific to your business needs are quite possible. For example, you may need additional reports like an aging report for items that are backlogged. Or suppose your billing system needs an exported list of items in a specified CSV format that can be imported into your billing. You may also want your customers to see your company logo when they login to view their items. Other features are completely possible and each additional feature can be discussed and development can begin for an agreeded project time and price. Motis additional feature development is extremely affordable compared to the current software development pricing.
Work with our developers to create your own (add-on).

Trademarks - Motis is a registered trademark of iotrakit LLC.

The current version of Motis is

© iotrakit 2023 - Version -
Motis is monitored and updated regularly by iotrakit LLC. If you have any issue or comments about Motis please use our Contacts page. Contact