Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)

Guide Searching and Reporting Items

When you login to Motis, the Main menu by default has the button for Reports. The result page will show a listing of all the items you are currently processing or have already processed. The details of each item is listed. If you want to search within this listing you can select "Search" from the menu. A custom search screen as shown to the left will appear and allow you to specify the search criteria. You can select from a each dropdown a search criteria of the items. For example you can search on a specific: Company, Item Type, Make, Model, Status/Location etc..

Before you do a search as shown above, you may want to only search in specific date ranges. The screen to the left shows selecting a specific date range for the search / listing. After you "Apply Dates" the listing will only show dates in that range. Then you are free to select "Search" from the menu and specify a search criteria as shown above. The results of your search will be restricted to your specified date range.