Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)

Guide Scan Items

add customer screen
There are many scanners that work with Motis. The Scan Avenger is the recommended scanner to use. Buy on Amazon This scanner uses bluetooth so no need for cables to your computer or cell phone. When you add an item you scan the unique serial number into Motis. Below is the main menu for selecting item status/location.

main menu screen
This is the Main Menu that you defined with MotisAdmin. You must define the Status / Location with MotisAdmin so you can set these to each item you process through your facility. Below is a screen shot of the form for Receiving an Item.

recieve item
When you receive an item, you set the Company (that you are receiving the item from), the Type,Make,Model,and Serial Number (of the item). You select each from a drop-down menu. Then scan in the serial number. If the item does not have a barcode, just type in the unique serial number. With this process you have set the item status/location as "Received Item". On the Main Menu you always start with the items status/location and then select the details of the item such as "Company, Make, Model, Serial Number", etc.. Remember you decide what status/location appears on the Main Menu with MotisAdmin.