Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)

Guide Add Menus/Location

add menu screen
As the Admin you can login to the MotisAdmin Admin Portal and there enter the details of item status or location. The Status/Location is defined here. It can be an item status or location. What you define here will become the Main Menu you use to login items. Click Add / Edit Menus to continue.

add menu screen
After logging into MotisAdmin through the Admin Portal use this screen to add or edit Status/Location. It can be a item status or location. What you define here will become the Main Menu you use to login items. Click Add New to add or Edit to edit an existing Status/Location.

add menu screen
After logging into MotisAdmin through the Admin Portal use this screen to enter the details of item status or location. You can fill out this form for each status or location an item can have. You must have at least one status / location. Click save when done. Notice the OrderNo field will define what order the Status / location will appear. Lower numbers appear first in the menu list. Also the ButtonClass field defines the style of the menu / location. Click the What's This? , link to see what styles are available. Again, these will become the Main Menu for logging in items you process through your facility.