Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)

Guide Define Item Status

add customer screen
As the Admin you can login to the MotisAdmin Admin Portal and there enter the details of all the statuses and Locations that and Item can have.
The Status or Location is what makes up the Menu selections when you process an Item.
You can fill out this form for each status. Typical statuses are "Received Item", "Repaired Item", "Waiting Parts", "Shipped Item", etc.... If a status is a location, then you might have "In receiving", "On bench", "On Truck", etc... The OrderNo field is a number representing what order the status appears on the screen. THe MenuName is where you enter the Status or Location. The ButtonClass is where you set the Color of the Status / Location. To find out more click the What's This? link. Check the Enable checkbox and click save when done.