Try MOTIS (Mobile Object Tracking Item System)


MOTIS is designed to be your repair management system of choice.

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You can Register for a free account to try out Motis. Once you register you can Login to MotisAdmin and configure your system. Configuring your system consists of setting up your Customer Info, the Type, Make, Model of Items you process and
most importantly the Menu for your Main Menu page whch is where you log in the items and set the details of each item.
Motis is designed to be very easy and straight forward to use after you have configured your system correctly.
But if you have and troubles or questions we are here to help. Just go to the Contact Page and email or
submit your question. We strive to answer questions within a 24 hour period.

MOTIS is a service by LLC, Mobile Object Tracking Item Service

Thanks for your interest in Motis